We have a mouse. Two cats, and a MOUSE. In the same kitchen where they eat their food. 'nuff said.
P.S. Cats pictured do not belong to us
black cats, unhelpfulWe have a mouse. Two cats, and a MOUSE. In the same kitchen where they eat their food. 'nuff said.
P.S. Cats pictured do not belong to us
black cats, unhelpfulOne woman's mission to lose post-partum weight through diet and Rhythmball, a Tai-Chi based exercise / exercise equipment new to North America.
One woman's mission to lose post-partum weight through diet and Rhythmball, a Tai-Chi based exercise / exercise equipment new to North America.
Hi Lynn- I had mice in the house in Newark and didn't realize it until Mom visited. Gigi was sharing her dog kibble with them and not doing anything about them! I had to throw away the couch, chair, and even my mattress (it was kinda old anyway).
BTW- would Rythmball work as part of my rehab I will need to do for my foot? What do you think?
Rhythmball can be played seated or standing, but you'll need someone to retrieve the ball during your first session(s).
More on the mouse soon!
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