My mom's mom always used to wake up on the first of the month and say "White Rabbit." She said it ensures you'll have good luck the whole month through. When I was engaged to my husband I said "White Rabbit" one morning and he looked at me as though I'd gone insane. I guess other peoples' families don't say it. Unless yours does...
Anyway, I awoke this morning, said "white rabbit," and realized that I was actually looking forward to doing my Rhythmball practice. I am in no way an exerciser, so this is a strange and foreign (redundancy to underscore just how strange and foreign this feeling was) feeling. I plugged the DVD into my laptop again and swung along with Mr. Ji. There were two parts of the basic action set I could not get the hang of yesterday: the under-leg throw and the behind-the-body throw. Today I actually accomplished a couple of under-leg throws! Time spent analyzing the behind-the-body throw was spent in vain, however. I think that one might have to wait until I have less weight behind my body. :) Twenty minutes of Rhythmballing (does that sound dirty?) later and I had worked up a good, healthy sweat and saw roses in my cheeks. I was so excited that I sat down to blog to you good people about it.
Now it's time to shower before baby awakens from his cranky-time nap. He pushed himself up to sitting from his belly yesterday! I figure he'll be ready for his own baby Rhythmball exercise equipment by next month. OK, maybe the month after that.
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