I held auditions for "Lindsay Lohan's Birkin" today at the local performing-arts charter high school. Six young ladies auditioned, which was a good number -- I had everyone read twice, mixing up the casts. Nevertheless, the true Heather and Hillary shone through and I believe my decision was sound. Happily, one of the girls who auditioned is in the directorial class, so I'm hoping she'll be interested in helping / taking over director-ship of the play.
The head drama honcho even suggested a theater festival that might be interested in the script. Whoo! I came home and googled it -- turns out the deadline is next week, which couldn't be more fortuitous.
And yes, I'm still finding the time to Rhythmball. I'm cautiously moving on to the advanced sets, having spent these months perfecting the basic sets both right-handed and left-handed. My first "trick" is the 360-degree racket spin while the ball's up in the air. I can do it better left-handed than right, right now. Go figure.
It's hard trying to convince people that they should plunk down their hard-earned cash for an exercise they've never heard of, but I believe our stream of orders is about to turn into a river. You can help by breaking down and clicking here and buying it. Tell you what: If you enter "Rhythmball blog" in the order form's "How did you learn about Rhythmball?" field, I'll throw in an extra ball for free. Very helpful to have two balls when you're first learning -- I swear I spent more time the first day digging under the futon than actually swinging my arm.
But don't be scared; Rhythmball is like snowboarding. The first day is horrible and you despair that you'll never get the hang of it. The second day goes a little better. By day three, you're clickin'.
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